Ten Reasons to attend Exponential 2011

2011 National New Church Conference

10. It’s 80 degrees in Orlando.

9. 120 speakers

8. After Hours programming so you don’t have to suffer a night on International Drive.

7. 120 Workshops

6. Francis Chan will be there

5. 15 pre-conference Intensives

4. Eric Bramlett will have to introduce Francis Chan , again.

3. 3,500 church planting leaders will be there

2. ELI will be there in Welcome Center A.

1. If you tweet this link with the tag #elichurchplant or like our Facebook page you could win a discount code to register for the conference for only $89!

Make sure to like our page or use the #elichurchplant tag by this Sunday. Three lucky winners will be announced on Monday on our facebook page!

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