7 Ways to Catalyze Community

Last month I shared some of the principles from Not Like Me at the Organic Outreach Conference.

Here are seven principles for Catalyzing Community whether you are trying to start a small group, ministry, a non-profit organization, or a church:



Principle #1: Cause creates community
Our cause = moving people to become the person God created them to be.

Principle #2: Meet the needs of those around us
We need to seek to meet the physical, emotional, economic, and spiritual needs of those around us. We should be pursue helping change the environment and change the individual who is looking for change.

Principle #3: Reach out to Xenos
Hospitality means loving strangers. A similar word, “hospice,” means “a safe place.” Our homes, our businesses, and our churches should become safe places for strangers to experience kindness and love.

Principle #4: Develop authentic friendships with those you know
Are we loving, serving, and influencing our family, neighbors, co-workers and friends?

Jesus was willing to ruin His reputation to reach out to others who were far from God.

Principle #5: Allow people to belong before they believe
We should never allow our convictions to become a litmus test for friendship. In fact, we should actively pursue friendships with people – even people with whom we may disagree. Go to www.mosaic.org/faq for more on the staff process at Mosaic.

Come as you are, and you don’t have to stay that way! (see www.gatewaychurch.com/podcast)

Principle #6: Raise up a team of leaders to replace you
MPAC = Ministry through a pastor, assimilator, and catalyst
We need to make decisions based on who is not yet here rather than who has been here the longest.

Principle #7: Start Over

**For the rest of the notes, email me at eric.bryant@gatewaychurch.com with “Catalyzing Community” in the subject or you can listen to the conference call at my site’s audio messages at Catalyzing Community – 2nd audio from the bottom. You will also find interviews with Dan Kimball, Kevin Harney, Erwin McManus, and many others.

What have you seen bring people together?

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About Eric Bryant

*Eric Michael Bryant* serves with Gateway Church in Austin and as part of the The Origins Project , a movement of people committed to Jesus, Humanity, and Innovation. Eric helped with a church plant in Seattle and as a navigator at Mosaic in Los Angeles for 12 years. Eric's book, *Not Like Me: A Field Guide for Influencing a Diverse World*, is a guide for overcoming the negative Christian stereotype by embracing the people Christians “love to hate.”

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