A Church for People who Don’t Like Church

I’m spending a couple days at Vault, a church planting lab hosted by Verve in Las Vegas.  If you don’t know who Vince Antonucci is, check out his blog.  He’s been a partner with ELI in starting churches and we’re excited to be a part of starting Verve  - a church for people who don’t like church.  Which raises a couple of questions. Is that possible? What does it look like?  The answer is yes it’s possible and what it looks like is a place where Paul, Mary and Amanda found faith in Jesus and are experiencing a whole new life.  Each of them shared their stories – how they had given up on church, hated Christians and never imagined they could or would change their minds.   And, how they were loved into community and ultimately faith at Verve.  How can you see that happen with your friends? Here are my takeaways from today

  • Start with a broken heart.
  • Don’t take yourself to seriously.
  • Love unconditionally.

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