Next Cultivate Cohort: February 1

If you are getting ready to plant, in the process of planting, or have recently planted, Cultivate will equip you to start a church out of the culture – a church that reaches people far from God and leads them to a life of faith and spiritual transformation.
Cultivate is a fully online training program that will provide you with:

A Biblical Foundation – Video training sessions will communicate and develop convictions for the Biblical truths that form the foundation of an out of the culture ministry.
A Clear Strategy – Video training sessions will provide a high level view of the strategy, as well as insights into specific working plans and programs.
Practical Tools and Resources – Each unit of the online training will provide you with tools and resources to help you develop your unique out of the culture strategy.
Accountability for Implementation – Through the online training, in combination with one-on-one coaching, you will have accountability for implementing the plans you have developed.

Visit our cultivate page learn more and register for the next course beginning February 1, 2011.

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