Author Archives: Barby Ward

We’re Hiring


We are looking for someone who can help us change the world. You’re emails will say “Executive Assistant.” We’ll call you “the one who makes us all look brilliant.”



  1. You love Jesus and live your life loving the people Jesus loved.
    ELI is all about mobilizing people into Jesus mission. If you’re not already one of those people, you’re just not going to get who we are or what we do.
  2. You get stuff done at the speed of now.
    Superman was faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. You get stuff done so fast people think you have superpowers too.
  3. You are a person people want to talk to.
    This is a fast paced, get things done, all about people kind of gig. That means when you answer the phone, people are glad to hear your voice and when you call people, they want to call you back.
  4. You are a digital native.
    We’re not talking you live in your parents basement and spend 18 hours a day on Facebook (see number 1). You simply live in a world where there is no physical and virtual because it’s all one and the same.
  5. You are sock drawer sick organized.
    You will know how to keep us organized because the books on your shelf are categorized and alphabetized, your bills are stacked in the order their due and your sock drawer, well… its sorted and stacked too.
  6. You know how to use our tools.
    There are lots of ways to work. We use Google, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Webex, WordPress and whole bunch of other web powered tools. The more of these you already know how to use the better.
  7. You can work virtually.
    We don’t have an office and we won’t be providing you with one. You will be part of a virtual team that works anywhere anytime, which means you can live anywhere in the continental US as long as you have a fast and reliable connection.
  8. You have 5- hours of your day to focus on this.
    The rest of your day might be devoted to your family, your ministry, school or even another job. That’s ok. We need 5-6 hours of your day when you think about nothing but helping us change the world.

Interested? Send an email introducing yourself to Please attach a pdf of your resume.

Vision is your Signature Song

Take yourself back to high school. Who was you favorite band? Now, without thinking about it, what song came to mind? There’s a good chance it is that bands signature song. For example:

Boston – More than a Feeling
Eagles – Hotel California
Journey – Don’t Stop Believin’
Bon Jovi – Livin’ on a Prayer

Besides knowing when I went to high school you’ve also learned something about leadership and vision. If you’re a leader, vision is you’re signature song. It’s the song everyone knows you by and the song everyone expects you to sing.

  • People curious about who you are and what you stand for may never get past the 30 second iTunes version – can you capture the heart in just 30 seconds?
  • Most people will know the radio version (yes, I remember radio too) – is it well produced and easily accessible to as many people as possible?
  • Then there will be a the true fans who take the time to download the extended version and add it to their favorite playlist. – Have you given them something special to make it worth their time and money?


“If you don’t like the weather, just wait 5 minutes.” As I travel, I’ve heard people say that in so many places I have no idea where it came from. I also know I’ve never heard it where I live in California. The saying here would be, “if you don’t like the weather, drive 50 miles.” We have what meteorologists call micro-climates. Drive over hill, across a river, up a mountain and the weather changes – often dramatically.

I’ve observed the same thing about culture. In the last month I’ve had the privilege to speak at three new churches. Each was unique in ways that were evident by just walking in the door.

  • One was culturally diverse.
  • One was filled with teenagers.
  • One was filled with well-educated and well-traveled people.

That didn’t seem to be of much significance until I considered that each church meets less than 20 minutes from my house, each church is part of the same metropolitan area and each church reflects its own local culture. Each church planter must exegete his micro-culture.

Lloyd Kwast wrote an article called “Understanding Culture” that can be found in Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. His outline provides 4 helpful questions that I find myself asking often.

Behavior: What is done?
Values: What is good or best?
Beliefs: What is true?
Worldview: What is real


What question are you using to exegete your context?