Category Archives: Blog

West E. Free Church Planting

“There has to be more to life then this…Simply going to work, coming home,
and doing the same thing all over again!”
That’s the statement a neighbor of mine made as we sat on his back porch having burgers together. There are hundreds of thousands of people asking the same question, right here in Wichita, Kansas.

That’s why at West E. Free Church, our calling is to “multiply churches that multiply more churches to reach our county for Christ!”

Some might wonder if Wichita needs new churches. They ask questions like, “Isn’t Wichita in the Bible belt?” or “Aren’t there enough churches in Wichita already?” While Wichita is officially part of the Bible belt and there are lots of churches, there are still many people like my neighbor who don’t know Jesus. If you lived in Wichita and looked around at coworkers or neighbors you have relationships with, you would find most are far away from God. This is why we want to focus on our city as a place to plant churches.

There are contexts ranging from small towns, urban and suburban in Wichita and we are developing a strategy that addresses the needs for each unique cultural demographic. Our dream would be to plant at least one church a year over the next 20 years that is leading people far from God to a life of faith and spiritual transformation.

We are launching this initiative by offering a 1-year, pre launch residency for Church Planters. During this time, there would be partnership, training, salary, and core team development assistance on starting and multiplying a church that focuses on reaching people far from God.

If you might be interested in our initiative, please email your resume to We would love to hear from you and see how we might partner in the future to plant the gospel in Wichita.

You can check out what we are doing in depth at

We’re Hiring


We are looking for someone who can help us change the world. You’re emails will say “Executive Assistant.” We’ll call you “the one who makes us all look brilliant.”



  1. You love Jesus and live your life loving the people Jesus loved.
    ELI is all about mobilizing people into Jesus mission. If you’re not already one of those people, you’re just not going to get who we are or what we do.
  2. You get stuff done at the speed of now.
    Superman was faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. You get stuff done so fast people think you have superpowers too.
  3. You are a person people want to talk to.
    This is a fast paced, get things done, all about people kind of gig. That means when you answer the phone, people are glad to hear your voice and when you call people, they want to call you back.
  4. You are a digital native.
    We’re not talking you live in your parents basement and spend 18 hours a day on Facebook (see number 1). You simply live in a world where there is no physical and virtual because it’s all one and the same.
  5. You are sock drawer sick organized.
    You will know how to keep us organized because the books on your shelf are categorized and alphabetized, your bills are stacked in the order their due and your sock drawer, well… its sorted and stacked too.
  6. You know how to use our tools.
    There are lots of ways to work. We use Google, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Webex, WordPress and whole bunch of other web powered tools. The more of these you already know how to use the better.
  7. You can work virtually.
    We don’t have an office and we won’t be providing you with one. You will be part of a virtual team that works anywhere anytime, which means you can live anywhere in the continental US as long as you have a fast and reliable connection.
  8. You have 5- hours of your day to focus on this.
    The rest of your day might be devoted to your family, your ministry, school or even another job. That’s ok. We need 5-6 hours of your day when you think about nothing but helping us change the world.

Interested? Send an email introducing yourself to Please attach a pdf of your resume.

Who are you starting a new church for?

One of the most eye opening books in our Cultivate reading list is I Once Was Lost by Don Everts and Doug Schuapp. They write about their experience as campus staff with Intervarsity,

“We came up with our evangelism strategy while we were alone in a room together with a bunch of Christians. Not once in our brainstorming and planning did we ask where are our non-Christian fellow students were coming from. Not once did we try to find out what they might need to take a step toward Jesus. We were mostly coming up with something we wanted to do, not something that would be actually helpful to those unsuspecting sunbathers in the quad.”

Watch the video and then ask yourself, “what kind of new church would help Ben find faith in Jesus?”

Using Technology for Discipleship

One way to build relational bonds with the people who volunteer in your area, or the people that you are intentionally developing spiritually is using technology. I personally feel that the best discipleship environment is a small group or 3-4 running partners. That way, if the right culture is created in the group, the members of the group spur one another on even more than the leader could do alone. I find you really can’t spiritually develop people without face to face contact at least every couple of weeks. But Technology can significantly help bridge the gap relationally. Even as I was typing this, I got a prompting to shoot a text of encouragement to a guy I’m building into–it’s easy. But a lot of daily touches through text, email, skype, facetime can significantly increase your relational impact in people’s lives.

Get in the habit of regular daily Tech-touches with the 10 or so people who volunteer around you, or who you are trying to disciple or lead to faith. Here are some ideas, but get creative:
Text – Text a prayer you’re asking on their behalf. Cut and paste a verse from YouVersion and tell them it encouraged you and you wanted to share it with them. Let them know if God puts them on your mind to pray for them. See if anything in particular is up.
Email – Some people monitor email all day at work, if so, cut and paste a verse from with a short paragraph of your thoughts and note of encouragement. Email a weekly devotional thought to all your group, and find ways for them to do the same. You may want to set up a google group so that any email goes to all recipients. I have this with several boards and teams.
Skype / Facetime – I’m just amazed at how relational technology can be. We hold monthly ELI board meetings with multiple people on WebEx. I’ve done one-to-one counseling appointments on Skype.
Phone – Let’s not forget the simplicity of just a call or voicemail to see how they are doing.

We have options that we may not be using effectively to increase the relational depth of impact. Think about ways you can encourage, build up, spiritually shepherd those around you who volunteer or need spiritual input, and get creative with technology! It will never replace a small group or face to face meeting, but it does allow for increased touch.