Category Archives: Blog

Things I have Learned So Far…

Guest Bloggers Jason & Norah Skipper

My wife & I have been missionaries in Bolivia for 15 years, and have planted various churches there. After several unsuccessful tries, in 2003 we planted a church in Sucre that grew to over 700 people in just three years. We also had moderate success in a church that we planted in Santa Cruz in 2009.

This year we are moving back to the USA to plant in a small to mid-sized city, and I am taking the Cultivate course to prepare ourselves better generally as church planters and to understand how to reach this culture that is so much different than what we have worked with in Bolivia.

We’ve touched; understanding and reaching the “emerging generations”, creating a unique vision for your unique situation, and how to raise up the core team who will carry out that vision with you.

The “vision” part of the course has been especially helpful, because it helped us understand why some things did and didn’t work in Bolivia. Ex. After several years of intense growth in our Sucre church, we realized that we still had weak areas. We tried cutting and pasting ideas from other ministries, but instead of helping us, they actually caused the church to stagnate. This part of the course helped me understand why. Even cutting and pasting from our Sucre church to our Santa Cruz plant didn’t work.

We have much more to go, but I feel that God is truly doing a transformation in our hearts and understanding through this course, and we feel confident that He is setting us up for success in a great way.

Jason & Norah Skipper

Love Wins – A Cultural Perspective

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re probably aware that certain popular speaker recently released a highly controversial book. Seizing the day, the Barna Organization recently released the results of a survey about American attitudes towards universalism – or as they describe well – whether people have an inclusive or exclusive view of religion. Two statistics were interesting to me:

  • 51% of Americans believe they have “a responsibility to tell other people their religious beliefs.”
  • 62% of Americans said it is important “to have active, healthy relationships with people who belong to religious faiths that do not accept the central beliefs of your faith.”In other words, more Americans value friendship with people of other faiths and value sharing their own faith.

I immediately thought of two clear implications for church planting:

  • In starting a church, one of the first challenges is finding and motivating others who will value sharing their faith. In my experience, many devoted followers of Jesus are very content to keep their faith to themselves. Barna’s research confirms my experience.
  • As followers of Christ we must learn to master friendship. Not master pretending to be friend so we can tell someone about Jesus. Master actually being friends with people of all kinds of people who believe and live all kinds of ways. It is this kind of authentic and inclusive friendship our culture is craving.

I’m curious what implication you see in this research?

Craig Whitney is the Director of the Emerging Leadership Initiative. You can find him on Facebook, Twitter and at his personal blog.

New Cultivate Cohort Begins this week

If you are getting ready to plant, in the process of planting, or have recently planted, Cultivate will equip you to start a church out of the culture – a church that reaches people far from God and leads them to a life of faith and spiritual transformation.

Watch a short clip from John Burke explaining the marks of a church out of the culture.

The Marks of a Church out of the Culture from Out of the Culture on Vimeo.

You can also preview the
whole first unit of cultivate
online by going

Make sure to check out ELI at Exponential!

Make sure to visit the ELI Church Planting booth located at Welcome Center A, Booth A11 and sign up to win:

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Don’t Miss Our Exponential Meet-Up!

Join ELI Church Planting on Thursday, April 28th at 8pm as we host as a meet-up at:

Bj’s Restaurant & Brewery
4151 Conroy Rd, Orlando, FL 32839

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