Category Archives: Blog

Events for Church Leaders

John Burke will be traveling in Europe during March and April. If your in or around any of these cities, check out these events coming up on the following dates:

Stockholm 2020

Stockholm , Sweden – March 29-3

Stockholm 2020, is a new network with a vision to plant 50 new churches in the greater Stockholm area before the end of the year 2020.

They are hosting a ground breaking conference on church planting at New Life Church in Stockholm.  Both John Burke and Craig Whitney from ELI Church Planting will be speaking.

Details and registration information are available at

No Perfect People Allowed

Helsinki, Finland – April 1st
Tallin, Estonia – April 2nd

John will be leading one day workshops, sponsored by the WCA in both Helsinki and Finland based on his books, No Perfect People Allowed and Soul Revolution.

Helsinki – Details and registration information are available at

Tallin – Details and registration information are available at

Bjolsen Mission Church

Oslo, Norway – April 3-4
John will be speaking at Bjolsen church on Sunday evening.

Gateway Experience

Join others to experience Gateway’s internet campus at  For more info contact

Leading in an Imperfect World

John and Craig will be meeting with church leaders at from 10:00 – 14:00 to talk about leading the church in an imperfect world.  Lunch is provided.  RSVP to

Building Life-Changing Churches 2-day Conference

London, England – April 5-6

Building Life-Changing Churches is a two day conference featuring John Burke and James Emery White talking about the trends, changes and challenges that face the future of the Church, and the vital role leadership will play.

Details and registration information are available at

Validation Study

The ELI Initial Screening Assessment was created by the Emerging Leadership Initiative in 2005. In the last 5 years, over 5,000 potential church planters have completed the assessment. We’ve decided it’s time to upgrade our tools to make them even better!

In December, we began a validation study to help us update our Initial Screening Assessment and our data on church planter effectiveness.  We are currently compiling all the data from testing and surveys and are interviewing church planters about their experience. We hope to have the study completed by April 2011.

See You at Exponential!

2011 National New Church Conference

Don’t miss Exponential 2011! Make sure to check out our booth at Welcome Center A, Booth A11!

* 100+ National Speakers
* 15 Pre-Conference Intensives
* 100+ Workshops
* After Hours Programming
* 3,500 Church Planting Leaders
* 50+ Leading Sponsors & Service Providers
* Sunny Orlando
* April 26 – 29, 2011

For more information and to register:

Growing your church by engaging “imperfect people”

Origins is a community of followers of Jesus who are passionate about seeing people know God and experience life as He intended.

Origins recently held a special conference call with ELI’s own John Burke. Below is the audio from that conference.

[mp3player width=450 height=80 config=fmp_jw_widget_config.xml playlist=fmp_jw_widget_playlist.xml]

Audio can also be download by clicking the link below:

Growing your church by engaging “imperfect people” – Download