A Church for People who Don’t Like Church

I’m spending a couple days at Vault, a church planting lab hosted by Verve in Las Vegas.  If you don’t know who Vince Antonucci is, check out his blog.  He’s been a partner with ELI in starting churches and we’re excited to be a part of starting Verve  - a church for people who don’t like church.  Which raises a couple of questions. Is that possible? What does it look like?  The answer is yes it’s possible and what it looks like is a place where Paul, Mary and Amanda found faith in Jesus and are experiencing a whole new life.  Each of them shared their stories – how they had given up on church, hated Christians and never imagined they could or would change their minds.   And, how they were loved into community and ultimately faith at Verve.  How can you see that happen with your friends? Here are my takeaways from today

  • Start with a broken heart.
  • Don’t take yourself to seriously.
  • Love unconditionally.

John Burke Coming to California in November

If you’re a west coaster, check this out. John Burke will be speaking at the Group Life Conference in Vacaville, CA on November 5-6. Visit their website for more details and registration.

Pastor’s Lunch:

The Father’s House is also hosting a Pastors Lunch on Friday, November 5, from 12:30 – 3:00 pm. This is a great opportunity to interact with other pastors and have some Q&A time with John. If you’d like to come, email craig@elichurchplanting.com for more details.

Start with the end in mind

Tim and Melissa Heerebout our native Canadians with a heart for their country’s largest and most influential city – Toronto. They moved into the urban center last summer hoping God would use them to start a new church in and for the city. You can follow their journey at http://www.luvisaverb.com/.

A little more than two years ago my wife and I had our first child. The best piece of parenting advice we’ve gotten, and you get a lot when you’re pregnant, was this: start with the end in mind. I’ve found this tiny phrase to have huge application in my thought processes in birthing a new faith community.

It seems to me that most church planters want to reach the people around them. They want a church that reflects a culture that is indigenous to their town. However, rather than starting by identifying with and becoming a part of that culture from the outset, the default starting position tends to be to bring church culture to the table. We assume church needs to look like, well, church. It doesn’t seem like we’re starting with the end in mind.

With that on our hearts, our approach has been different. Our first move is not to bring church to Toronto. It’s to bring love; to serve and bring energy into our local culture. We’ve launched an organization called Voxtropolis that seeks only the good of the city and places us squarely in the midst of culture creation as artists and promoters who leverage our talents for social justice. It is not, and I can’t stress this enough, and will never be a church. Even so, it’s doing remarkable good and placing us squarely in the middle of Toronto’s creative community as people of value, impact and influence.

In doing so our web of relationships has grown amazingly. In just four months we were able to organize a team of 11 volunteers and almost a dozen artists to host an event for more than 100 people. We raised $760 for Habitat for Humanity. The majority of the people there weren’t believers.

Starting this way is giving us keen insight into the heart of Toronto. It’s showing us how God is already moving. It’s providing a web of relationships we’d otherwise never have. We’ve started in the culture, for the culture, so that we can plant out of the culture. I look around at our events and think “this is what I want our faith community to feel like”. There was something strangely familiar about that feeling; like I was a proud father holding a newborn again. It will take time, maybe a long time, but I can’t help but believe that starting with the end in mind isn’t giving us an edge towards success.

Messy Church

This is really the biggest problem in the church today that we have a certain view of church as certain people who sit in certain seats on a certain day of the week and they act a certain way. As a result, we aren’t really willing to let it get messy. We’re not willing for there to be a blurring of distinction about where people are interacting and you might not really know if this person is following Christ or not.

There is a certain amount of mess to that, in other words, there was a real mess, Jesus saying to Zaccheus, I want to stay at your house tonight,. It caused this huge stir. Why? Because Zaccheus was way far from being the typical type that would be associated with a good religious person or even following God. He was stealing from people. He was like the gang leader of the city. He was knocking people off probably to make more money, but something about Jesus attracted him and Jesus saw it and saw that God was at work behind the scenes with him – I’m going to move in close. That created a mess. The religious people didn’t like it. Zaccheus invites all his friends who seemed very far God and yet Jesus enters into that very comfortable in his own skin, confident that God is already here at work and is doing something and he’s going to bring it out. He is going to make something beautiful out of what seems messy.

Unless the church is willing to enter into that place we will not see God make something beautiful out of the mess of life. And if we think that the way God does things is to make things look neat on the outside, then we’re falling into the trap of the Pharisees. We’ve got to be willing to enter in to the mess of the culture and allow God to do something beautiful in it.